Wedding Weekly - Makeup, to Splurge or Save?

Hiring a makeup artist for my wedding was a last minute decision for me. All through the planning, I planned to save a little bit of money by doing my own makeup so our budget could have a little more flexibility in another area.

And then I realized, that I'm just not that good at makeup. I do an okay job, but I knew I wanted more than just okay makeup for my wedding day. After all, what good are the pictures if you don't love the way you look? 

So I decided it was worth the splurge. It's not like you get married every year. (And besides, professional makeup in the grand scheme of the entire wedding budget is really affordable!)

And it was one of the best decisions I made. I knew the morning of my wedding that I wasn't going to be a stressed bride leaning over the bathroom sink to get as close as possible to the mirror. I wouldn't have to worry about my eye lashes (we have a love/hate relationship) and I'd actually be wearing blush (at that point, I didn't own any).

It was so wonderful to have an expert on hand to worry about my eye shadow and make sure my foundation was blended in. And I was in love with my false eyelashes. If I knew how to put them on, I'd be tempted to wear them every day. They were gorgeous!

If you're on the fence about getting your makeup professionally done for your wedding day, at least meet with a makeup artist. And ask other brides who had their makeup done. I'm sure they'll agree with me: it's worth every penny!


Photography: Rebecca Franklin
Makeup: Kim, About Face MUA


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