Baby Gerres is a....

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Last Monday afternoon Ryan and I walked into our ultrasound room very nervous and anxious to see the little person that was growing inside of me. Our sweet technician April dimmed the lights, I laid down, and she put a bunch of gel on my belly.

And all of a sudden, there he was. And since the little Mr was curled up with his knees to his face, we got a really clear and immediate view that it was in fact, a boy. There was no hiding that!

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We found out we were having a boy on Monday and didn't tell ANYONE until we had a little gender reveal party with our families on Saturday. (Yes, I know that's not how a gender reveal party usually works. But that's how we wanted to do it.)

Several times over the past week I felt overwhelmed with joy of what having a little boy will be like. And somehow I know I'd be feeling the same way if we were having a girl. 

To be honest, Ryan and I have always pictured ourselves having a girl. I wanted to see Ryan holding a sweet little girl in a pink poofy dress and playing with Barbies and tea parties and dress up. And if God gives us a girl one day, I know those moments will be so sweet to my heart.

But God gave us a boy. And we have such incredible peace and joy about it. Because we had no choice or influence in this. It was all God.

So instead of daydreaming about princesses and tea parties, I'm thinking about trucks and airplanes. I'll kiss scraped little knees and wash a lot of muddy clothes. We'll learn the names of each piece of construction equipment and distinguish an airplane from a helicopter based on its sound. I will teach him how to be a gentlemen and to care for others. We'll build forts and imagine being pirates and doctors and airplane maintenance engineers. I'll dress him in clip on bow ties and teach him to love his Bible. We'll spend more time looking at bugs that I would ever want to in a million years. And I'll love every second of it. I will be his safe place and his biggest cheerleader. And some day I will dance with him at his wedding. (Cue the water works!)

God knit a sweet little boy together in my body. He is perfectly chosen by his Creator for our family. We are meant to be his parents and he will challenge us in dozens of ways that we can't even begin to imagine right now. Our little boy will help us become more like Christ. He will teach us about ourselves as we're teaching him about life. God has blessed us above what we could ask or think with this little boy. And we haven't even met him yet.

We love you, little Tugboat!