Using Styled Stock Images Authentically

Let's be totally honest. Fifteen years ago, stock photography wasn't the greatest. It was generic and cheesy. But today, there are so many options for artistic, beautifully styled stock images that can be used so seamlessly in your social media that the last word on anyone’s mind would be cheesy. Here are 3 tips on using styled stock authentically on social media.

1. Share from the heart

Whether you decide to share a 'day in the life' style post or talk about an exciting goal that your business just met, the key to authenticity online is sharing genuinely from your heart. Weaving these types of posts into your social media will draw people in and help them remember you.

2. Use styled stock images that are consistent with your brand

It seems obvious, but the styled stock images you share need to match your branding, both in general color scheme and in feeling. And be consistent in the frequency that you use styled stock image. I'm not saying you need a perfect pattern of every other photo, but if you only share one styled stock image every few weeks, it's going to stand out on your grid like a sore thumb. I recommend at least 2 stock images in your top nine for a consistent look. And remember that frequent use is a good thing! It solidifies your branding in your client's mind and stretches out your other content so it lasts longer!

3. Create overlays to share meaningful quotes and other text

Overlaying your styled stock images with quotes and other text is a great way to get started using styled stock in social media. Using the styled stock as a background will add dimension to your posts, making them more eye-catching for your audience than just text on a white background. And when you use the overlays side by side with the original stock content, you’re using the images even more frequently, which simplifies your social media scheduling and makes your brand even more cohesive.


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