Sunshine & Raindrops ~ Slow Season

Ahhh.... slow season.... For photographers, it's the glorious time of rest after the craziness of wedding season. For me, slow season started this Monday, right after our mini New Year's vacation, and it will probably run until April or so, when the weather has finally warmed up and coaxed people out of their houses. Speaking of weather....

The Sunshine:

- Staying inside where it's warm. I haven't had to leave the house since Monday night. (Yikes... does that make me a hermit?)

- It's engagement season! And that means it's booking season! I've met with one amazing bride already and I have a few more meetings on the calendar! I'm looking for about 6 more weddings for 2014 before I'm booked up, so if you know someone looking for a wedding photographer, it's not too late! Also, if you know of anyone getting engaged over the next couple weeks who'd want a proposal photographer, I would LOVE to shoot that as well!

- I'm very excited to work on new branding and a new website for CGP during this off season. We're just getting started though, so I'm not sure when it will be ready to show off.

- Sharpening myself as a photographer. Today I'm meeting with 2 other photographers to evaluate our work and set goals to focus on for our sessions this year.

The Raindrops:

- I miss shooting. It has only been two weeks and I'm already itching to plan a shoot. That happens a lot this time of year.

- Paperwork. I'm one of those weird people who likes writing in notebooks and figuring out the puzzle pieces of a business. But I'll admit, there are a lot of weird little housekeeping tasks that need to be done in the next couple weeks that I'm not that excited about.

- I'm literally staring at a screen all day long. I'm working at the computer, reading blog posts on my tablet during lunch, and then chilling with Ryan watching TV at night. This can't be good for my eyes.