Life Right Now - Spring 2018

I started the Life Right Now series to help me remember some of the little moments of our lives. The kinds of things that don't even make it to Instagram (because we all know there's a LOT that doesn't make it to Instagram!) The kinds of things that would slip through the cracks of our memories if we didn't record them. The kinds of things that I never want to forget, no matter how small they might seem.

Life right now is Darcy opening all the brightly colored novels at the library only to be disappointed that there are no pictures inside.

Life right now is a decluttered house that simultaneously looks more tranquil and sadly empty.

Life right now is Darcy throwing his arms around your neck and squeezing you as close to himself as he can.

Life right now is a FULL spring line up of sessions. I am so excited to photograph some of our friends!

Life right now is 'sheep says ba ba ba' and 'doggie says ruff ruff' as we read animal books over and over.

Life right now is waiting, waiting, waiting for the warm weather to arrive!

Life right now is getting way too excited when Darcy manages to spear food on his fork.

Life right now is tearing through the Harry Potter books and consistently being disappointed at how much they're leaving out in the movies.

Life right now is getting the swiffer out every day because Darcy wants to play with it and getting the broom out twice a day to clean up the mess around his high chair.

Life right now is trying to quiet the noise by unfollowing and unsubscribing. Between Insta-stories, Facebook, emails, and blogs, I was collecting WAY more content than I have time to consume.

Life right now is Darcy running around with his arms pushed back behind his body like an airplane.


Want to read more Life Right Now posts?
July 2018
March 2018
November 2017
May 2017
March 2017
October 2016
July 2016
March 2016
August 2015
June 2014
August 2013