Deb & Cody: Norfolk Botanical Garden Engagement Session

He entered the dimly lit ballroom with his friend. West Coast Swing music filled the air and couples covered the dance floor. Cody smiled and nodded as introductions were made, but his attention was stolen by a beautiful and fiery redhead with a sparkle in her eye. Late into the night, they danced together, hand in hand as they twirled and spun around the dance floor. This was not the first time he had danced with a beautiful woman, but this time something was different. The connection. The partnership. It was as if something magnetic was drawing them together.

A year and a half later, the same ballroom was again filled with the sounds of West Coast Swing. Bouquets of blue and gold balloons decorated the room. Party hats, noisemakers, and photo booth snapshots sat abandoned on tables as couples twirled in the middle of the floor. And in the middle of it all was a fiery redhead in a brilliant blue dress and the handsome young man who had won her heart.

Midnight had come and gone. It was the New Year, full of hope and promises for the days ahead. And on Deb’s finger, one very sparkly promise of many wonderful days to come.

Across the room, Cody's suit jacket lay tossed over a chair. Empty champagne glasses scattered the table. And next to them, the photo booth photos that had captured the moment forever.

Deb and Cody are one of those couples that just belong together. He puts her at ease when she’s worried. She makes him smile with her outspokenness and honesty. He makes her laugh like no one else can. They’re partners. In dance. In business. And in life.

I am so excited to wrap my 2016 wedding season with this beautiful couple and their Renaissance Court ceremony at Norfolk Botanical Garden. October can’t get here soon enough!

Romantic Renaissance Court Engagement Session Photos at Norfolk Botanical Garden-100.jpg

This photo... holy moly. I was literally squealing when I took it! It's like a secret garden! I could shoot an engagement session at the Norfolk Botanical Garden every week! There are so many amazing spots!!!

Are you newly engaged and planning your wedding at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens? Shoot me an email! I'd love to hear from you!