Why We're Doing Another Anniversary Session

This summer Ryan and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage. And as much as we love our wedding images and the images from the anniversary session we did 3 years ago, we are not those people anymore. We've changed and grown together. This summer we're celebrating where we are in our marriage now just as much as we're celebrating the vows we made to each other 5 years ago.

A lot has changed over the last 5 years. We started a business, bought a house, discovered macarons, built our own furniture, planned vacations, watched friends get married, and learned how to make sushi... just to name a few things. 5 years ago, our belongings were a mishmash of what had been in each of our college dorm rooms and childhood bedrooms with some hand-me-down furniture thrown in. 5 years ago, we thought black was a great accent color for our house and spray paint could fix everything. 5 years ago we didn't have Instagram and I was learning how to use my first camera. 5 years ago we wore screen-printed t-shirts all the time and had never eaten sushi. 5 years ago we were fresh from college and trying to figure out grown up life and all the yucky boring stuff like insurance that goes with it.

Ryan and I have changed A LOT in the past 5 years. We know that we don't have to go somewhere fancy on date night. We know we're terrible at selfies, we're not great dancers, and we love kissing in photo booths. We've finally figured out our decorating style, and we've learned how to do a lot of different renovations. We have our own family traditions and our own set of house rules. We know who we are, as individuals and as a couple.

I'm not saying you should go into a marriage hoping your spouse will change in certain ways. Because the little quirks that get on your nerves might not ever go away. But your spouse will change. And so will you.

And when you find yourself looking at your wedding portrait and smiling at the beautiful bride and the handsome groom and wishing you could tell them all the wonderful things they're about to experience together, you know it's time for an anniversary session. To celebrate the people you are today and the commitment to never let go and never stop growing together.


Photos by Bit of Ivory Photography

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Why I Love Anniversary Sessions
Why We're Doing Another Anniversary Session
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