Lion's Bridge Anniversary Session: Cynthia & Luis

Living in Virginia Beach, Ryan and I don't get over to the Peninsula very often. And Lion's Bridge at Mariner Museum Park has been on our list of dream places to shoot for a while now. We were so excited when Cynthia and Luis chose the bridge for their first anniversary session! I'm sure it will be a location that we go back to again and again!

The thing I love most about an anniversary session is how comfortable the couple is together. After being married a year (or longer), you know each other better than you did before. You've settled into who you are as a couple. You're used to each other's quirks. You've grown and changed in many ways, but yet many things have stayed the same. Your vows you said on your wedding day aren't just words anymore. They're actions and choices. The commitment you made together has been lived out, day by day and moment by moment. 

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