Monday Musings: Notes to Art Museums, Periscope, and the Electric Slide

Dear Art Museums, I've figured out the secret to an amazing exhibit. Step one: Chihuly. Step two: Pointillism.

Dear Electric Slide, I have no idea why you were always the most confusing line dance to me, but I think I've got it now.... Maybe.

Dear Strawberries, Why can't you be in season all summer? There's just something so summery about you, and I was much too busy in May to enjoy you properly!

Dear Marshmallows, Do you think you could come pre-toasted? Because you're not all that great straight from the bag.

Dear Periscope, Hooray for being on Android! I know I have said some pretty mean things about you behind your back, but I promise to give you a fair try before I throw you out the window. But you have to admit, that you're not helping my desire to spend less time on social media.

Dear Brownies I Almost Ruined, It nearly broke my heart to see you swimming in oil in the oven. I copied out the doubled recipe amounts, so it won't happen again.

Dear 24-70, I might love the 70-200 with every fiber of my photographic being, but that doesn't mean that you aren't useful to me. So please, when I get you back from the repair shop, no more melodramatic jumping off of counters, ok?