Sunshine & Raindrops - Another Wedding Weekend!

Wedding weekends are my favorite! And this gorgeous Williamsburg wedding day was no exception! I cannot wait to cull through the images this week!

Some recent sunshine:

- Scoring access to the restricted area of Colonial Williamsburg, because you have a beautiful bride and wedding party with you! Our portrait time was amazing!

- Sweet personal details, pulled pork BBQ, and getting home from a wedding day before 7 pm? I'm all in!

- Our house has exploded with pumpkins! I bought about 25 pumpkins for the Thanksgiving stylized shoot we did last week, so those sweet little babies have relocated themselves to our living room and office. They're just about everywhere you turn around!

- Individual sized desserts are both a blessing and a curse. When you know how easy it is to whip up a quick mug cake or small serving of brownies, you're tempted to do so every day!

- This month my Panera card has a free cup of soup loaded onto it every day. How awesome is that? I haven't gone every day by any means, but I've definitely been enjoying it! I'm going to be sad when September is over!

A couple raindrops:

- Stylized shoot days go SO FAST! If I didn't have a shot list already written out, I know I'd forget so much of what I wanted to take, because it's go go go go! But it was a fantastic day in spite of the rain.

- I'm quickly learning that rainy days and bangs do not mix. And when all the umbrellas are in your car, you have to improvise with a big floppy summer hat.

- I'm all for days in the 70s and 80s, but we need to get a couple good frosts in to kill some of these mosquitoes. I'm ready for that to be over!

Favorite instagram of the week: Hands down, the sneak peek of Keshia & Frankie's wedding day (also above)

Biggest accomplishment of the week: Photographing both a wedding and a stylized shoot last week! It was definitely a busy week, but well worth it!