Water ~ HRC Photo Challenge

I really didn't expect it to snow this past weekend. If anything, I expected a few flurries that wouldn't stick to the ground. And of course, as soon as I got in the car to run an errand that would take about 2 hours, it started to snow. Hard. I couldn't quite tell if it was sticking, so I kept driving. Needless to say I spent the next hour in my car trying to get home.

But thank God I got home safe. Ryan and I enjoyed watching the snow fall from the safety (and warmth) of our living room, while watching a wintery movie and the X Games. 

And Saturday morning we bundled up to go on a photo walk with our inspiration word of the week - water.

The frozen and frosty variety of course.

We were surprised how much the ducks and birds seemed to be enjoying the snow.

We also took the opportunity (as I'm sure many of you did) to take a few snow portraits.

Check back next Tuesday for another wintery photo challenge! I have something special planned!