Darcy's Newborn Photos with Allyson B Photography

One of the most common questions Ryan and I heard over the last several months (after our due date, the baby's gender, and whether or not we had a name picked out) was if we would be taking our own newborn photos. And every time the answer was a resounding, 'No way!'

That's not to say we won't be photographing Darcy constantly. We took plenty of photos while we were in the hospital. We're doing a weekly series with Darcy just like we did with my baby bump. And we're going to do our best to capture both big life events and candid everyday moments as he grows.

But I knew that photographing my cute cuddly squishy baby all cozy on a pillow and details of his perfect little fingers and toes was more than my post-partum self could handle. I tell people that there's a reason we specialize in wedding photography. And that is because adults do what you tell them too! And I'm only half joking when I say that, because newborn photography is HARD!

Let me tell you how our session went. During the time that Allyson was at our house for our session, Darcy pulled out all the stops. He wiggled his way out of her wraps and wouldn't stop crying. I fed him twice and changed his diaper twice, but the only thing that kept him from wailing was a bright green pacifier in his mouth.

All that to say, if you don't want your newborn photos to look like one big Pinterest fail, hire a professional. Take it from the wedding photographers who knew they couldn't handle it themselves. Look at what Allyson B Photography was able to get from our fussy little baby.

Of course, Lucy Kitten had to make an appearance!

And as always, thank you to Dhalia Edwards for making me look and feel extra beautiful!