Monday Musings

Dear Sewing Machine, Want to throw together that baby quilt all by yourself? K thanks!

Dear Legs and Feet, I promise to take it easy today and not walk miles and miles. Sorry about this weekend, but thanks for hanging in there.

Dear Wax Museum, Two critiques... You really could have done a better job with Elvis's face. I've seen impersonators that looked better than your wax statue. And secondly, your entire establishment is one big selfie, so could you hook us up with a little bit better lighting?

Dear Packing Cubes, You're officially the best packing hack ever! This is the only trip my clothes have ever stayed nicely organized and folded for. Even on the shortest trips, my suitcase is always a hot mess! I'm officially a big fan.

And one more...

Dear Man on the Bike Who Almost Ran Me Over,  You probably should have felt bad about whizzing past me and my friends without a bike bell BEFORE you saw my little belly. I'm all for taking care of pregnant women, but all pedestrians deserve the same consideration. You've got the whole 'biker athlete' outfit already. Just buy the stupid bell. I'm sure it's way cheaper than those stupid little shorts.


Ryan Quote of the Week:
Bruchetta is the meat I always think is a cheese, right?