I'm Guest Posting on The Rising Tide Society!

There are so many things I LOVE about owning my own business and having such a creative job. But one of the hardest things is that I'm a one-woman-show. Ryan helps me a lot and does all my accounting, tax, and IT work, but all of the day to day stuff is done by me. That means on any given day, I might be answering emails, organizing files, updating contracts, marketing to future brides, recording expenses, tracking inquiries, updating my website, submitting for publication, posting on social media, ordering new materials, and continuing my photography and business education. It's so much more than shooting, editing, and blogging!

There's so much to juggle when you own a business, especially in a creative industry. That's why I'm always so excited to network and build relationships with other wedding professionals in Hampton Roads. So when the Rising Tide Society launched earlier this month, I was super excited to get involved!

The Rising Tide Society has monthly meetups all over Hampton Roads (and around the country) for small business creatives. Their goal is to educate and empower creatives to thrive in the spirit of community over competition.

And yesterday, I was able to share part of my heart on their website. Earlier this year I was really feeling defeated about where my business was compared to where I wanted it to be. And it was all because of the way I was viewing success in my business.

Want to read all about it? Find the article here.