
Our Family Photos - Darcy 6 Months

Our Family Photos - Darcy 6 Months

One of the best things that has come out of our photography business that I never expected is the relationships that we've formed with other photographers. Chelsea & Scott are two of those people. They are moving away from Hampton Roads in a couple of months, so I was so glad it worked out for us to get together for a family photography session.

Thank you so much for taking these photos of us, Chelsea! We love them! And we're going to miss you guys!

Darcy & the Bunnies

Darcy & the Bunnies

I don't normally blog on Thursdays, but I just have to share these adorable Easter photos we took of Darcy this week! Our friend Margaret has two sweet bunnies who love having their picture taken, so we've been talking about doing this little photo shoot for months! It was a little crazy trying to get all three of these little sweethearts to cooperate at the same time, which is why we have a lot of pictures of just two of them! I just can't get over how precious these photos are!

The Lifestyle Photo Album

One of my favorite products for my lifestyle family sessions is this 10x10 photo album. It can be designed with 20-30 pictures from the session, so it's the perfect way to display all of your favorite images.

Here are some favorite spreads from a fall family session with did for this sweet couple and their 4 month old little girl.

This album is the same product that I offer to my brides as an engagement guest book. It's a hardcover book and thick sturdy pages that open flat and a custom photo cover.

Want to find out more about lifestyle family sessions? Contact me here!

The Christensen Family - Norfolk Pagoda Family Session

The Christensen Family - Norfolk Pagoda Family Session

This sweet family's lifestyle session is always one of my favorites from the year. I remember when each of them were born and it's been amazing to watch them grow up behind my lens.

Every year we try to do something a little different, so this summer I suggested a session in downtown Norfolk. The Nauticus and Pagoda Gardens area is one of my favorites to shoot in because there's so much variety and it works for just about any type of session!

Enjoy my favorites from this beautiful summer evening!

Don't Live Life Behind Your Camera

Today I'm sharing another powerful blog post that was shared with me recently. So please excuse me while I pull out a small soapbox.

I'm saddened by all the people I see living life through the viewfinder of their cameras. Because as much as they want to capture and remember that moment, if they aren't actually IN the moment, there won't be much to remember.

And studies show that you will remember less about something if you take photos of it instead of spending time looking at it yourself. Don't believe me?

Last year I 2nd shot with another photographer and I never saw the images I took, because our arrangement does not include permission for me to use the images in my portfolio. I handed over my camera cards at the end of the night. And three months later I can't describe what the bride looked like. Because I don't remember. I spent 8 hours with this bride photographing her wedding day and I can't remember her!

This is what you're doing to yourself when you live life behind the camera (or phone). And of course, you have the images that you take of your family and the different things you experience together, but unless you take the time to actually sort through and look at all those images, your memory of those life events will still be foggy.

Here's the article I wanted to share. She includes some helpful ideas for breaking this habit as well as her challenge to herself to both live in the moment and take a photo every day this year. 

So yes, pull out the camera. Take a few photos to remember the moment. But then put it back in your pocket and soak it all in!

Janae is 9 months ~ Baby Lifestyle Session

I wouldn't necessarily call  myself a baby photographer, but I love anything lifestyle. And I thought this little baby lifestyle session was simple, fun, and beautiful. I can't believe this little cutie is growing up so fast!

Want a lifestyle session for yourself? Contact me! No need to wait until winter is over! Lifestyle sessions at home can be done any time of the year!