Sunshine & Raindrops: Notes to Fishbowl, Football, & Flowers

Dear Fishbowl, Thanks for being even more fun than charades and catch phrase.

Dear February, I have really mixed feelings about the fact that you're right around the corner. Part of me says "one step closer to spring" while the other part pouts and says "tax season stinks."

Dear Eggs Benedict, Thank you for being so yummy! Can I eat you every day?

Dear Spontaneity, I'm really trying. But some days you just throw me for a loop.

Dear Grocery Store Flowers, Thank you for sticking around so long!

Dear Car, Can you drive yourself to go get an oil change? It's like the most boring and inconvenient errand ever.

Dear Football, I'm really going to miss you.

Dear Superbowl Commercials, You were a big let down last year. Don't make that a habit.